Great Goddesses

Great Goddesses

Nikita Gill

May 07, 20238.5

Nikita Gill's Great Goddesses reads like a love letter to Greek Mythology. A miscellaneous collection of short poems, dialogues, and fragments of prose, it chronicles an extensive bit of Greek mythology in the form of retellings from various figures in history.


Divided into five interludes, these sections mark significant changes in the world of Olympus as power continues to change hands. Although the chapters are short enough for one to skip around and read the parts they like, I recommend reading them in order.

When the Gods fail to defeat giants, she smiles softly at Hades: your mistake is thinking Gods can do a Goddess's job.

It follows an almost chronological order, starting from the origins of the world, the Titanomachy, the rise of Zeus, and the life of a lot of Olympians under him. It is a delight to watch how wonderfully the book flows from one part to the next, touching on important landmarks in the life of the Greek deities.


The characterization in Greek Goddesses is truly one of my favorite aspects of it. Gill dives deep into the minds of her women, weaving tales of magic and myth. She manages to encapsulate and personify them excellently: especially when she talks about the paradoxical, whimsical nature of Nyx and the wild, mystic nature of Hecate.

You were named eons after your birth because often names become manifestations, but rarely, do manifestations become their names.

Olympians were known for their unfair and almost cruel treatment of women, and the bitterness that arises is strongly felt throughout the book. It's heartbreaking to watch Rhea put up with injustice, to watch Hera work through trauma, and to watch Amphitrite live with neglect as the years pass by. However, there's an undercurrent of hope - even as those goddesses bide their time, waiting patiently to play their hand... and when they do, it is glorious.

Do not let him have the upper hand. Before he finds a way to shame you. Marry him and become the bridge he could never burn, never forget. No matter how much he tries to.

These women do not allow themselves to become footnotes in history. They are unapologetic and determined, protecting themselves and each other with intense ferocity. I loved the themes she explores in her relationships: the loving bond between Gaia and Rhea, the quiet understanding between Aphrodite and Hephaestus, the sisterhood of Athena and Artemis, and the deep love between Persephone and Hades. These are reminders that the light does, eventually, find a way through the darkness - sometimes in ways that leave you speechless.

There are parts when Gill turns to the male counterparts of our goddesses, telling the story from the perspective of Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, and so on. Although those parts are short, they are quite interesting.


I cannot imagine the amount of research that must have gone into writing this - the book is detailed, with a lot of references to various characters. Even as a lover of the lore, there were points when I came across new names. Thankfully, there's an appendix at the back which helps with this, but casual readers might be a bit overwhelmed.

There are also brief interludes where the retelling deviates from Olympus to take place in the mortal world. Those frequent jumps from traditional to modern are quite jarring, especially when they aren't consistent and only happen for a few characters. I think these parts could have made for a separate book: there's certainly material for it, and Gill's excellent imagination would make for a great read.

Writing Style

Although it comes down to personal preference, I'm one of those people who quite enjoys the poetic, if slightly flowery style. This made the writing a great delight to read. Yes, some parts are way too ornate for my taste, but most of them are strongly written in a way that does a great job of translating each individual's powers into their voice, mannerisms, and behavior.

The dark saplings of unmanageable wilderness that run through your veins mixing with the gold of ichor, this is how you flick your wrists and bend whole forests to your will.

In Conclusion

Although this book touts itself as 'life lessons from myths and monsters,' I'm not sure I'd describe it as life lessons, that would be taking it a bit far. As a retelling, though, it absolutely works. However, if you're not very familiar with Greek mythology, this might not do much for you.

At its heart, Great Goddesses is a tale about women - women of different generations, backgrounds, and mortality. Women spanning time and space, women telling their stories before they are erased by time, women finding their strength and coming out on top. If you're looking for a quick, beautiful read to scratch your Greek mythology itch, you should definitely give this one a try.